Miscellaneous Games
King's Quest V
King's Quest VI
Freddy Pharkas, Frontier Pharmacist
Gabriel Knight 1
Gabriel Knight 1 Demo
The Bizarre Adventures of Woodruff and the Schnibble
King's Quest V:
Pics 2000 through 2028 appear to be screenshots of various scenes from the game's intro, all in sequence, while 2050-2067 are all screenshots from the end cartoon. There are even large sound files that include the music, voices and sound effects from the same scenes in the game's audio section. ***
Pic 209: A rough depiction of one of the desert scenes...with a flying carpet in the foreground?
View 942: Alternate designs for the game's cursors. (CD version). (added by ATMachine, 5-7-08)
Views 1998-1999: These views include components of an early design for the save/load menu, with 10 slots and no way to name individual saved games. (added by ATMachine, 5-7-08)
King's Quest VI:
You might have noticed that Shamir the genie never has a framed portrait appear when he talks, like the majority of characters in the game. However, there is a portrait of him in the KQ6 resource files -- View 893. There's not only an animation of him talking, but also some animations of his eyes blinking and sparkling. I've created a facsimile of his talking animation here, while a static image of his portrait is below. Strangely, his eyes seem to have pupils here, even though they appear solid gold in the various cutscenes he appears in. (added 10-4-10)
Pic 600: An unused scene from the Realm of the Dead! (For some reason, this scene's embedded palatte replaced one color with bright red, so I replaced it with a more appropriate color to make it easier on the eyes.)
View 257: The first loop of this View shows Beauty's stepmother turning around and pulling her dress up, the second shows her shaking her backside at the camera (I combined these two loops into one animation to make it less jarring). This might be an extremely well-hidden Easter Egg, since I've never heard it mentioned before. Not surprisingly, I have no idea how it might be triggered. (Added 6-10-15)
EDIT: This animation actually can be seen in the game -- it's a very well-hidden Easter Egg that can be triggered in the CD version of the game the first time you enter the screen where Beauty's house is located. After the stepmother yells at Beauty and the two of them go inside, talk to the gate three times, then touch, look at and talk to a tiny hotspot in the upper left corner of the screen, then talk to the door of the house.
Check out this video to see the egg get activated.
(Thanks to OmerMor, Cloudee1 and troflip from the sciprogramming.com forums for uncovering this hidden "treasure"!)
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Freddy Pharkas, Frontier Pharmacist:
A general note: most of the sprites in Freddy have been drastically resized. A lot of the sprites in the resource files are much larger and more defined. ***
Pic 170: A background with a building (The 'Orehouse?), with the view number crudely written in the sky. Pic 245 is identical, except "245" is written in the sky instead.
View 989: These are the animations from the Laura Bow 2 credits that are accessed from the control panel (with messed-up color palettes).
View 701: Sketches of Freddy's guns and neckerchief inside his safe deposit box. (Added 9-18-09)
View 109-0: A man being dragged behind a galloping horse. There's also an audio clip of pounding hooves and a man's voice grunting in pain and yelling something like, "Woah, horsie, woah!" in RESOURSE.AUD, yet I've yet to see this animation or hear that sound in the game. (added 12-7-12)
View 829-0: A young man with a straw hat leading a horse along, as well as several views showing him standing (yet oddly, no animations of him walking without the horse). (added 12-7-12)
View 111-0: A fast-moving stagecoach being pulled by two horses. I'm puzzled as to why an animation this big wasn't included. (added 12-7-12)
View 1848-1-0: After Freddy's other ear gets shot off, his talking view still shows him with a perfectly intact ear. I thought that Sierra hadn't made a talking view with him missing that ear because of time or budget restraints (especially when you consider how his talking view remains unchanged after he loses his silver ear). However, as it turns out, there is a talking view of Freddy without his other ear -- it just wasn't put into the game! (added 12-7-12)
Gabriel Knight 1:
Pic 101: An alternate version of the title screen. Apparently GK1 was originally dubbed Gabriel Knight: Shadow Hunter! There's also an option to play a tutorial, which was cut out of the final game. (added by ATMachine, 5-7-08) Back to top
Pic 211: A front view of St. George's Books. (added by ATMachine, 5-7-08)
View 998: A skull cursor, intended to be shown as the game loads up when first started. You see a similar cursor with a different palette in the GK1 playable demo. (added by ATMachine, 5-7-08)
Gabriel Knight 1 playable demo:
View 995: An alternate, animated version of the "GK" shield that the cursor becomes during cutscenes. (added by ATMachine, 5-7-08) Back to top
View 957: A title bar apparently meant to be used during conversation close-ups. (added by ATMachine, 5-7-08)
Views 950 and 954-955 contain the components of a fancy save/load menu which the demo doesn't use, but which is similar to that in the final game. (added by ATMachine, 5-7-08)
View 952 contains a design for a different-looking save/load menu which is not as functional as the other one. (added by ATMachine, 5-7-08)
The Bizarre Adventures of Woodruff and the Schnibble:
Hacking into The Bizarre Adventures of Woodruff and the Schnibble's resource files wasn't nearly as easy as looking at Sierra's resource files. All the game's resources are bundled into a file called WOODRUFF.ITK. To extract it, I had to download Coktel Vision Extractor (which can be found here -- GameFileFormats, the site it was originally found on, seems to be dead at the moment) When I extracted WOODRUFF.ITK, hundreds of VMD and SND files were revealed. The SNDs are the game's ambient "music", and the VMDs are video files (which, unlike most Sierra resource files, have the sounds, images and animations combined into individual videos).Most of the VMDs can be played with VAG's VMD Player. However, VMD Player is unable to play all the videos properly, so I had to download MPlayer as well. The problem is that although MPlayer can play all the videos, the sound and image quality is poor, and it's impossible to take screenshots or capture video of them. I tried many different programs said to be capable of viewing or converting Sierra VMDs, but none of them worked. Consequently, I was only able to capture a few images from VMD Player (all the names in bold are the names of VMD files) (added 6-18-08).
I also made a couple of discoveries about things that do happen in the game, but I had no prior knowledge of them (you can try crossing the river with only one boot and putting the garbage bag in the dump by the factory entrance, for instance). However, my biggest discovery is this: When Woodruff gets the Transportozon, the note from Azimuth that comes with it tells him to look behind the Bigwig's portrait. Apparently, many people have interpreted this to mean to enter the Schnibble sect, which is located "behind" the portrait. Even the Universal Hint System hints for Woodruff say that you have to gain entry to the sect to "look behind" the portrait. ***
2BOUZ1B shows the sad Boozook with a tear rolling down his nose.
3DECON has three frames, all of which show incomplete stages of the Bigwig's headquarters.
This is the bottom part of the screen.
Here is the top part, which seems to show the screen's walkable areas. There are a lot of sprites on the right side of the image, including an early (and much less frightening) version of the Bigwig and a few extra body parts not seen in the game, like those arms and that bloody head.![]()
More early versions of the Bigwig. I don't know who the figure in the upper right corner is supposed to be.![]()
3MEMO14 shows a very different version of the mortally wounded Boozook from the field of the Great Battle. For some reason, he is in color.
BILLIARD shows the human and the Boozook on lower level of the bar anxiously watching a ball on the billiard table roll around until it disappears down a hole in the center.
COMMTRAV has four frames showing the field of the Great Battle in various stages of completion.
This frame shows part of the background, with a section in the upper right corner still in the line drawing stage.![]()
Here's an even earlier version of the scene, with the walkable areas displayed and the ear of corn sitting beneath it. Several characters and objects are uncolored and transparent, including the closeup of Woodruff (note the handwriting underneath him, which roughly translated, reads "To reach the 1" plan").![]()
A rough sketch of the dying Boozook and Woodruff. The fourth frame is identical to this one, only without the Boozook.![]()
ESCA1 is from the Stairs Street and shows two men in military uniform standing by a short bald man in a red shirt and blue pants. It's similar to the sprite that appears in the game, showing two men confronting a thin, red-haired woman with a large vacuum cleaner.
ESCD02 is an animation of Woodruff facing northwest with a simplified color scheme. The red stripes on his pants and the skull on the back of his shirt only appear in a couple of frames, and his headband and shirt are dark blue instead of black, as are his boots. He appears to be taking what looks like a third boot out of his pocket.
GENS shows the two people on the Bridge of the Slums moving slightly.
LABO includes a rough version of the mad scientist's lab, showing the walkable areas and outlines of Woodruff, the mad scientist, and the Fertility Wiseman.
LUCIOLE shows what looks like the largest streetlamp near Azimuth's house opening. Then a small ball of light flies out, hovers around, then reenters the lamp, which closes behind it.
MAI17 and MAI17X show the red-haired woman seen early in the game on the Stairs Street (before Woodruff has found the boots) flying by on her vacuum cleaner. I've seen this in a trailer for the game, but I've never seen it occur in the game proper.
MUR shows a closeup of a Boozook trying to climb over a ledge, then falling back down. It's found with the videos from the prison tower.
RECTOB shows woodruff opening some kind of receptacle. I don't remember seeing one like it in the game.
NONGPD1D-NONGPD6 and NONGPG1-NONGPG6 show various "I can't do that" reactions from Woodruff, only these animations are supposed to appear when he is looking at something or someone closer to the camera (like the onlooker at Azimuth's house and the Brotoflatron). Sadly, these never appear in the game.
TAGGER shows a closeup of a Boozook holding a can of spray paint popping out of a hole in the ground, looking around nervously, spraying something, then disappearing back down the hole.
SCAPHAND shows a scuba diver emerging from a body of water, looking around and then submerging. I don't know if this ever shows up in the game or not.
SORTDROI and SORTGAUC show Woodruff preparing to break into a run and then vanishing, cartoon-style, in a puff of smoke. ENTRSDROI and ENTRSGAU show him skidding to a stop.
SQ02-01G shows the onlooker's reaction to Woodruff showing him the photo of Azimuth. There's no reaction when you try this in the game.
However, this is not what Azimuth's instructions meant. You can get up to the Bigwig's portrait and look behind it. You have to find out when there will be violent winds in the Bigwig's Area, then use Woodruff's levitation power on the cross he paints after using the Meteozon watch. You will then be blown up to the ledge beneath the portrait, and behind it you will find another letter from Azimuth, as well as some somewhat shocking news about Woodruff's lineage. This isn't vital to the completion of the game (which may be why it is never mentioned in any walkthroughs) but it certainly adds something the story.
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