Torin's Passage:
Pic 9999: A large version of the desert temple from King's Quest 7!Pic 40924: A very rough sketch of R. Kyvist's machine. ***
Pic 50301: A rough sketch of Torin falling through the empty space after crawling through the ventilation duct in Tenebrous. ***
Pic 51402: An unused closeup of Lycentia's workspace. ***
View 51420: Lycentia looking affectionate. This might have been meant to go with the previous Pic. ***
Pic and View 16100 are closeups of the Crystal City guard. Apparently he was supposed to have a closeup animation at one point. Here's a composite of the pic and the view: ***
Pic 60003: an interesting rough render of the cutaway view of the planet Strata. ***
View 11003: These animations are from the area around Torin's home. It looks like there were supposed to be something that looks like a cow grazing off in the distance, as well as at least one black, chicken-like bird walking around the farmyard. (Added 1-22-09) ***
View 20130: In the Torin's Passage design document, one of the characters listed is a large dragon that is occasionally seen flying around Escarpa (who is obviously the source of the dragon poo). However, he was apparently cut from the game, though I did find this animation of a 3D dragon flying by...and it's the Crystal Dragon from King's Quest VII, only with different colors! (Added 1-22-09) ***
View 30007: An unused image of Kurtzwell, found among the graphics used during the cutscene of Lycentia's exile. (Added 1-22-09) ***
View 50903: I knew that the two skunks, Sam and Max, were parodies of the dog and rabbit main characters from LucasArts' Sam and Max Hit the Road (I'm still not sure exactly why the skunks were named after them), but I never expected to find an image that strongly resembled Max's head in the game's resource files! (Added 1-22-09) ***
View 51202: The Torin's Passage design document mentions Tripe and Viscera reappearing a couple of times in the game, flying after the piece of meat that Torin throws by them as sort of a running gag. The design document mentions them showing up after Torin dies in the lava in Asthenia, and though they never do, these lines of dialogue are present in that section of the game in resource.aud: ***
VICERA: Let's get him, Tripe!The design document also mentions them flying by when Torin and Boogle are falling into Tenebrous, and though I don't think they ever do, View 51202 is from that part of the game's graphics (Added 1-22-09):
TRIPE: Nah. He's overdone -- at BEST!
The next nine backgrounds technically do appear in the game, but only in the small, considerably compressed intro movie. This may be why they didn't jump out at me on my first look at Torin's Passage's resource files. (I couldn't find any animations or any of the backgrounds from the part when Torin's parents are killed.) ***
Pic 9000: The wide-angle shot of the Fahrmins' farm, used when Pecand first appears and
when Lycentia attacks the Farhmins. (Added 4-17-10)
Pic 9001: View of the barn and the house, used several times in the intro. (Added 4-17-10) ***
Pic 9002: The background used in the closeup of Mr. Farhmin. It's a barn. Not much more I can say about it. ***
(Added 4-17-10)
Pic 9003: A closer look at the barn and the house. I guess that peach-colored slab near the front step is a doorstop. ***
(Added 4-17-10)
Pic 9004: The background used for the first few close-ups of Torin. I love the look of this background. (Added 4-17-10) ***
Pic 9005: The bridge near the Fahrmins' farm. (Added 4-17-10) ***
Pic 9006: The close-up used when Boogle first appears. Wow...posts. (Added 4-17-10) ***
Pic 9007: The close-up used when Torin is gaping in terror at the Fahrmins being attacked. Nothing much of interest in this scene. (Added 4-17-10) ***
Pic 2008: Scene used when the Farhmins are encased in crystal and then vanish (that is one eye-catching doorstop). ***
(Added 4-17-10)
Pic 30300: A closer view of the stream where Leenah treats Torin's wound. This scene looks pretty incomplete. ***
(Added 4-17-10)
Pic 30409: I'm guessing that this is the wall of the Pergolan city. There might have been a close-up of Torin helping Leenah over this wall planned at one point, and this was the background for that close-up. (Added 4-17-10) ***
View 10103: I'm pretty surprised that I missed this picture. It's an alternate version of the view of Herman's house from a distance. Even though the colors are completely unlike those in the scene that was used, I didn't do any tweaking at all with the color palette -- these are the sprite's embedded colors. (Added 4-17-10) ***
View 10104: This View contains the images of a boulder, a flower, and a thick, viney plant. Judging by where they are in the game's files, they might have been intended to be placed in the foreground of the large scrolling background in The Lands Above. They look pretty rough, and quite different than the other inanimate objects in the game, style-wise. Their color palettes were pretty messed up as well -- the colors they have may look odd, but they were the best ones I could find. ***
(Added 4-17-10)
View 16001: A tiny sprite from the wide angle shot of Crystal City. I've never seen this little airship fly by before, so I don't think it appears in the game. It would have been an interesting example of the technology of the people of The Lands Above if it did (not that anyone cares, but...). (Added 4-17-10) ***
View20609, View20119, View50400, View50905, View50906, View50907, View50908, View50909: ***
Simplified line drawings of several of the inventory icons, with the names of the items scrawled on them:
View 20900: Crude drawings of the ladies in the hot tubs, with pretty messed-up colors. These colors really were the best matches I could find. ***
View 20504: Drawings of the two skunks. The funny thing is that these two frames are part of a twenty-frame animation, which is made up of nothing but these two images. The first ten frames are of the image on the left, the last ten frames are of the image on the right: ***
View 51103: Dreep helplessly floating in the Null Void. He seems to vanish after Torin lures him out into the void. ***
EDIT: This animation actually is viewable in-game, but you have to "trick" the game into playing it by clicking on a previously spoken line of dialogue in the Dialogue panel as Dreep is coming out of Lycentia's house. Here's a video showing this trick. (edited 9-22-14 -- thanks to GameBop for letting me know about this!)
An outtake featuring Herman the guard's voice actor apparently trying to get the sound of Herman eating the slugetti and peatballs just right. The comment from the other person that makes him start laughing seems to be a callback to the exchange Torin and Herman have earlier in the game, after Torin has to get some berry juice for him. ("Here you are, Herman! I brought you some berries!"/"Great! Now squeeze 'em.") ***
These lines were originally supposed to play after the policeman first confronts Torin: ***
TORIN: But...
POLICEMAN: Don't "but" me, boy! You want to go the EASY way...or the FUN way? Heh-heh-heh-heh!
TORIN: (gulps)This unused line was supposed to play right after Boogle gets grabbed by Dreep and right before Torin is taken before the judge. (Incidentally, it was easy to figure out where this line plus the previous three were originally used, since they were marked by lines reading "---no longer used---" in the a couple of the Message files.) ***
TORIN (thinking): Surely things can't get any worse...There are alternate takes of several of the in-game hints, which have a very different delivery: ***
You'll never be able to break off the root with your bare hands, but thanks a lot for AXing.Talk to Ma Bitternut. She is something else!
Use one of Boogle's talents to help you get through the little door.
The hint used in the game is "Use one of Boogle's talents to help you get past the little doorway."Once Boogle is past the cave door, it's dark inside. So turn him into a lantern.
Boogle could take a sample from that pile of dragon poo inside the cave if you would turn him into the shape of a shovel.
Get Boogle out the way you got him a worm.
There's no equivalent for this particular hint. This makes sense, since if you try leaving the cave without telling Boogle to turn back into a worm, Torin will automatically tell him to do this.Get a clothespin. Wear it on your nose when you're around the skunks.
Ah, what the Tenebrous! Just give up! Press the fast-forward icon and let's get on with the game!
This "hint" appears at the beginning of the Pergola hintsEach ostiary makes the two ostiaries singing pitches just below his pitch exchange places.
The hint used in the game is "The two ostiaries that exchange places sing the pitches immediately below the singing ostiary's pitch."Have each group sing its arpeggio by using the music baton on each group of five.
This hint was split into two separate and more precise hints, which advise the player to have the women sing in ascending order and have the men sing in descending order.5.msg: This is a list of labels for inventory items, characters, interface buttons and many other things. Several unused inventory items are listed: ***
Boogle briefly changes into an electric guitar after Torin prepares the berry juice, but that shape isn't added to Boogle's "inventory".
16 6 0 1 99 Boogle Guitar
However, View 60402 shows some inventory graphics for the Boogle Guitar:
Strange that this should be an inventory item, as you'll see once you near the end of this list.
51 6 0 1 99 Boogle Pot There is a regular rope inventory item in the game, so it seems odd that this would be an item as well.
52 6 0 1 99 Boogle Rope There's no graphic for this item, and no mention of it anywhere else.
60 6 0 1 99 Pot
I'm guessing this was meant to be an inventory item (probably made slightly redundant by the presence of the spell book), and these inventory placeholder graphics in View 60347 might have been connected to it in some way:
69 6 0 1 99 Magic Trick
This line appears several times in RESOURCE.SFX. ***
In the Torin's Passage avi (found on one of the King's Quest Collection CDs), there's a scene where Torin and Boogle are outside the guardhouse. Torin asks Boogle if he can be an axe. Boogle (who apparently has trouble hearing) changes into an "X", then an axe, which Torin smashes into a crystal. Oddly, there are not only animations, but text and audio from this scene in the resource files (though it's impossible to get Boogle to change into an axe in the game, as far as I know). ***
Here's a Flash animation I made of the axe scene (View 15000, which also shows Boogle hopping on top of the crystal), and here are the audio files that apparently go with it (though I couldn't get them synced up correctly):
TORIN: Boogle, can you be an axe?
[Boogle changes into an X]
TORIN: Not an X, silly, an AXE!
[Boogle changes into an axe]
TORIN: Aw-right!
[Torin smashes the crystal with Boogle, Boogle is bent out of shape for a moment]
TORIN: Ooh, Ouch! Did that hurt?
BOOGLE: BWARK! (Translation (according to the game's text files): HELL YES IT HURT!)There's also these unused hints, which make it look like the seesaw puzzle in Asthenia used to have a slightly different design which required using Boogle as an axe:
Once the seesaw is balanced, it's able to rotate.There's some inventory graphics for the Boogle Axe:
You can rotate the seesaw, but only while it's balanced. Do you have anything to use to push yourself around?
An axe would be long enough to reach the ground from inside the seesaw.
Make Boogle into an axe. Use him on the ground next to the seesaw to push yourself counter-clockwise.
And "Boogle Axe" is even one of the unused inventory items listed in 5.msg.
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