Other Pictures of Akril's Characters

Update (9-7-07): I've moved this page to another domain. Hopefully this will keep brinkster.com from complaining about my site's limit being reached.


Vidole with some runes, by Hyenagirl, the very first picture drawn of her by another artist! (1999/2000?) I'm don't know who drew me this picture of Vidole with fangs, but my thanks go out to whoever did! Vidole by Kubo, in exchange for the picture I made for her! (2000)
Vidole looking bored, drawn by Safijaha. (2000) Another spunky Vidole, by Safijaha. Thanks a lot! (2000) Vidole, by Azanti. (2000)
Vidole, by Adria Hope. (2000) A surprise picture of Vidole, by Arazia Fox. (2000) Vidole, by Angel Jaguar. (2000)
Vidole, by Kibibi. (2000) Vidole badgering a mouse, by Ti'ana MYST. (2000) Another profile of Vidole, by Adria Hope. (2000)
Vidole, by Abbey (Liongirl101). (2000) A sketch of Vidole, by Endless Night. (2000/2001?) Another Vidole by Azanti. (2000/2001?)
Yet another pencil sketch of the Big V, by Azanti. (2000/2001?) Still yet another drawing of Vidole by Azanti! I love her pose in this one. (2000/2001?) A FANTASTIC group picture of the main characters of all the artists beginning with the letter “A” in the TLK archive (at the time this pic was made, that is), including me, by Tiranya! I LOVE Vidole’s pose! (2000/2001?)
Vidole, by Sakura. (2000/2001?) Vidole sitting, a gift from Pinali.(2001) Vidole, by Spitfire. (2001)
Vidole looking surprised, by Starlight Kitty. (2001) Vidole trotting down a path, by Nyah (Queen Vitani). (2001) A thoughtful Vidole by Kati. (2001)
A surprise picture of Vidole, by Lionscape. Her eyes are supposed to be green, but that’s all right. (2001) I THINK this is Vidole, part of an art trade with Lucifer. (2000/2001?) An art trade with Tallon, Vidole in a barren land. (2001)
Vidole and Kigeni, by Kelt.(2001) A thank-you picture from Spiritwolf77, featuring Spirit and Vidole. Thanks!(2002) A snooty Vidole drawn in muted tones, by Aquanite. Aggh, I forgot to post a link to this picture when I created this page! Sorry!(2002)
Vidole, by Vitani da Real!! One of the most famous and prolific artists in the archive does a picture for me! This is really an honor! Danke, Vitani!(2002) A thank-you picture of Vidole, looking slightly unbalanced, by va-kasi!(2002) Cub Vidole, by Nyah (Queen Vitani). (2004)
One Vidole... (2004) Two Vidole! A double surprise from The Black Cat! (2004) A thank-you gift from Kristin O. It's great to see Vidole in a semi-realistic style. (2005)
A Vidole plushie, from Kalahari! (2005) A Vidole icon from Kiara211. (2005) A surprise picture of Vidole from Katie_Russell! (2005)
A surprise Vidole icon, by Winter Lioness/Winter Wolf Lover! (2005) A surprise drawing of Vidole by Aishia! (2005) Vidole and Kigeni facing an unknown hardship together, a surprise from Ayita. (2006)
A surprise headshot of Vidole (plus two other peoples' characters), by TheUnknownSoul. (2005) A surprise sketch of Vidole, by The UnknownSoul. (2006) A gift from Ukungu: Vidole and Kigeni together. (2007)
A group picture of several peoples' characters (including Vidole) from vitani333. (2006) Another group picture featuring Vidole, by Mizan. (2006)


Kigeni, by Abbey (Liongirl101), the first picture of Kigeni by another artist! (2000) A thank-you pic of Kigeni, by Tala. (2000) Kigeni, by Sitabenu. (2001)
Kigeni, by Kati. (2001) Kigeni, by Lila Vulpes, part of an art trade. (2003) Kigeni, by Megan F, with her character, Lark. I love the style they're drawn in! (2003)
A surprise Kigeni from turto32! (2004) Kigeni, by Akura (looking pretty seductive, by the way). (2005) A surprise sketch of Kigeni by Bloody Love! (2005)
A large-eyed Kigeni, by Mayrock. (2005)


Tanabi, by Safijaha. (2000) Tanabi, by KWIKart. (2000) Tanabi, by Abbey (Liongirl101). (2000)
Tanabi, by Jada. (2000/2001?) Simba's spirit and Tanabi, by Azanti, based on Tanabi’s Return! Thanks! (2000/2001?) Tanabi and Nani, by Kesi. (2002)
Tanabi, by Xeroine. Beautiful! (2003) Tanabi, by Mayrock. True, "my" Tanabi doesn't have a red stripe down his back or a black tail tuft, but Mayrock said it was he. (2004) Tanabi, part of a trade with Mirage. He looks very nice. (2004)
Another Tanabi by Mayrock. This is what happens you don't explain the origin of a popular, yet non-canon character. You confuse people. Oh well. I posted an explanation and a couple of clarifying pictures on my TLKFAA page, so things should be a little less nebulous now. (2004) Yet another Tanabi by Mayrock. This time he's declaring himself king of the jungle...and there's that mismatched mane tuft/tail thing again. I wonder if Tanabi's been using hair dyes? :) (2004) Tanabi's head, by Msanii. A surprise. (2004)
Tanabi, a gift from Kobi. (2004) Tanabi and Vitani together, part of an art trade with Dante. (2005) Cub Tanabi, plus Kopa and an alternate version of Kiara, a surprise from Tex. (2005)
Tanabi and Vitani under the stars, by Splodge!(2007)


Nuala, by Azanti. (2000) Nuala, by Kilannie. (2000/2001?) Another Nuala, by Azanti. (2000/2001?)
A VERY interesting art trade with Nyah...we both like King's Quest, and Nyah came up with a great idea for a trade: Why not draw each other's characters alongside characters from KQ? I drew Cedric with her character Katlego, and she drew Nuala with Graham! (2004) An adorable picture of an angelic Nuala, by Alanaia. (2005)

Nani and Kizazi:

Nani, by Azanti. (2000) Kizazi, by Hyenagirl. (2000) Nani, by Vilani. (2002)
Kizazi, by Kati. (2001) Nani, by Angel Jaguar. (2000) Kizazi, by Angel Jaguar. (2000)
Nani, by Mayrock. She looks perfect! (2004) Kizazi, by Kilannie (part of an art trade). (2001) Nani and Kizazi, part of an art trade with TheUnknownSoul. (2005)
Kizazi laughing, by Kumal (part of an art trade). (2005) Nani and Kizazi, another surprise from Katie_Russell! (2005) A realistic Kizazi, part of an art trade with Li'l Kitten! (2005)
A surprise picture of adult Nani, by Scarred Cub. (2005) Nani, by masai mara.(2006)


Monah, by Abbey (Liongirl101). (2000) Monah, by Angel Jaguar. (2000) Monah, by Uzuri. (2002)
Monah, by Vilani (she’s the second one from the right. It’s hard to tell it’s her with no color). (2002) Another Monah, by Vilani. So sad. Vilani has a definite style that really seems to fit Monah. (2002) Yet another Monah, by Vilani. I’ve gotten more pencil sketches of Monah from her than from anyone! (M’s in the bottom right corner.) (2002)
Monah sitting, by Galadriel. Part of an art trade. (2004) Monah and Zira, by Tex. I love how they're both smiling in this picture (even though Zira's ear is notched, which happened after Scar died in my personal TLK backstory). (2005) Monah, by Fuzzy Paws! (2005)
A lovely colored pencil drawing of Monah, by Vilani Vilá. (2006) A sad Monah and Zira's spirit, by Pbj_Yum. (2007) Another picture of Monah and Zira, by Ice Princess. (2007)

Five Fingers Characters:

Shungi and Stellia by Zykia (art trade). (2002) Obi, by Twilight, in exchange for a picture I drew for her. OBI! She drew Obi! This is a Five Fingers first! Thank you! (2002) Kathleene and Obi, by The Singing Prestwood (part of an art trade)! Kat certainly loves her brother... (2004)
Stellia, by TheUnknownSoul (another art trade). She looks great. (2004) Kishimonne, by Ramado (part of an art trade)! First picture of him by another artist! Hurray! (2004) Kishimonne (with an odd white spot on his bum), by Shroud (art trade). (2004)
Kathleene, a surprise from Ramado. (2005)


A surprise picture of Xandra, Rinden’s daughter, by Azanti. (2000) An AMAZING poster for Tanabi’s Return by KWIKart! This is the most beautiful picture I’ve received! Thank you SO much!! (2001) Obi and Negasi by Jo Anne Medrano (a.k.a. The Black Cat). I drew her a picture of her two characters (also named Obi and Negasi) with my own, and I got them right back at me! Thanks! (2002)
Kipofu and Paka by Ayita. First drawing of both of them by another person! Thanks again, Ayita! (2004) Rinden and Amaya, part of an art trade with Horseshoe Lioness. First drawing of Rinden by another artist! And he sure looks nice (for a character that looks suspiciously like cub Simba, if he were a cheetah instead of a lion). (2004) Yamin by Ayita. The first drawing of him I've gotten! (2004)
Xandra, by The Singing Prestwood, in exchange for a surprise picture I drew for her. I wasn't expecting one in return! Thanks a lot! (2004) Kipofu, by Tellerz (art trade). First full body pic of him I've gotten, and it looks terrific. Thanks a bunch! (2004) The first bird on this page, Hoyden the greater honeyguide (from Paka of Azima, Part III (still in the works)), by Zazu. (2004)
Jacko, by Kaasha, doing something that cheetahs weren't really designed to do...(art trade) (2004) Khan and Surina running during the night, by Winter Lioness (2004) Amita the cheetah, a wonderful surprise from Timali. She says she loves my art...and isn't it fitting that I love hers. :) (2005)
A surprise from Katie_Russell: a scene from Simba's Pride: The Road Less Traveled.(2005) Another surprise from Katie_Russell: another scene from The Road Less Traveled!(2005) A "family portrait" of sorts - Nani, Vitani, Tanabi and Kizazi, part of an art trade with turto32. (2005)
Rajua (mother of Obi, Kathleene, Kishi, Shungi and Stellia) and Rehema (Kipofu's mother), part of an art trade with Ramado (boy, that's quite a few R's)! (2005) Kahllynn's character Loomis and my zebra character Brownies (part of an art trade). (2006) Khan, by Punk Kitty. (2006)
A sketch of Amita and one of Lunewen's characters, by Lunewen. (2006) Another sketch of Amita by Lunewen, plus two of Lunewen's characters. (2006) A surprise headshot of a pouty Rinden, from Kahllynn. (2007)
A piece of pixel art depicting an angry Tanabi and an angrier Nani, by TakaAbsessed (an alternate spelling of "obsessed"?). (2007) A surprise sketch of Zig, by TheUnknownSoul. (2006) An "Artist of the Week" award I got from brinazarski, featuring Khan! (2006)
Kipofu, part of an art trade with Bruyère. (2006) An amazing drawing of Sarala, Nimesha, Amita and Yamin, in a scene from Memento Vivere, by Timali.(2007)

All pictures (c) their creators.
