Comics #1-10

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#1: The first comic

The very first comic with my first attempt at this kind of humor. I never thought it would take me to where it took me...

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#2: Torin's Passage

Yes, I am a great admirer of Torin's Passage.

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#3: Beautiful Blue Eyes

He does, really!

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#4: Poking fun at Kielbasa

The first comic to take place in an actual setting. Graphics are from SQ6, naturally (and that thing on Kielbasa's face is a mustache, by the way). ---Injoke/reference revealed below (highlight to read)---

The gun Xandra is holding is a scaled-down version of a graphic from Space Quest 7.

---End of Injoke/reference explanation---

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#5: Xandra's reputation

I still assumed everyone thought this way about Xandra back then. It seems things have turned around now.

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#6: Challenging Roger for the role of Alpha Klutz

Who'd've thought there was someone in the universe who could rival Roger in such a manner?

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#7: The Lost Chapter

My first attempt at including 3D graphics in the strip. The appearence of these images caused a considerable sense of wonderment about where the strips came from. Space Quest 7? (Oh yeah, and this was inspired by Vonster D. Monster's fantastic fangame, Space Quest: The Lost Chapter.)

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#8: Wait... cheetahs don't HAVE retractable claws!

She hasn't lost that tenacity. And her poor sense of orientation.

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#9: Arjak

The first appearence of an actual person. Arjak requested to be in my comic strip, and I consented. Xandra probably didn't...

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#10: Blondes in adventure games

The first strip to be in the double digits range! (and a revealing clue about the creator's physical appearence...)

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