It Takes Two to Tangle Walkthrough

Chapter 1:

As Edgar, show Cassima the pendant
As Cassima, walk to the right

As Cassima:
Continue right (Cassima encounters the ghost of a small girl)
Talk to the girl ghost until she repeats herself
Return to where Cassima first appeared, break off the ends of the two longest stalactites
Return to the girl ghost, use the pair of stalactites on either her or Cassima
Once the ghost is gone, continue right
Talk to the ghost
Try to touch the "rock formation"
Talk to the demon, learn about the ghost
Interact with the pile of pale dust near the bottom of the screen (a ring is revealed) Use the ring on the ghost
Talk to the ghost until he gives Cassima a way to reach another land (Serenia)
Once in Serenia, follow boy into alley
Talk to boy on barrel to learn that he wants a password
Open shed, listen to boys' conversation
Talk to Hans to learn about Ashni
Leave alley, open gate at far end of town
Talk to girl near the path, confirm that she is Ashni
Return to alley, talk to Hans to learn that Ashni took his toy horse
Return to Ashni, talk to her to get toy horse from her
Return to alley, talk to or give toy horse to Hans (you get a mirror in return)
Return to Ashni, talk to her one last time
Leave village, walk left until you reach Crispin's house
Try to open Crispin's door
Talk to Crispin (Cassima gains the magic armlet)
Once outside Crispin's house, try to open the cellar door
Use dagger on the cellar door to open it
In the cellar, open chest, read the letters inside it
Leave cellar, go right
Head north up the mountain path
After Cassima's armlet activates, click on its icon to activate itv Continue right
In the mountains, continue right, past the waterfall
Inside the cave, examine the "crystal" at the back of the cave to learn that it is actually a block of ice
Use the mirror on the sunbeam to melt the ice block
Take the wolf statuette, leave through the bottom-right exit
After Cassima is surprised by the white wolf, continue to the castle
Talk to the wolves outside the castle
Return to the path to the castle, talk to the white wolf and show him the statuette
Return to the castle and show either wolf the statuette
After meeting Icebella, use the armlet After meeting the Weaver in the mountain village (she gives you a scarf and a shawl), leave her hut (down-left)
Go down the bottom-left bridge to reach the sheep paddock, take the scrap of wool from the bush
Return to the weaver's hut, give her the wool
Leave hut, take the bottom-right bridge
After meeting the Potter, take the discarded clay cup next to him
Continue right, enter the shabby hut
Talk to the sick man, watch as he gestures towards the nearby shelf
Interact with the shelf to get the book the man indicates
Give the book to the man, look at the illustration of the herb in the book he points to.
Return to the clearing next to the Weaver's hut, use the cup on the snow near the end of the path to collect a cupful of snow
In the Weaver's hut, use the cup of snow on the fire to get a cup of hot water
Take a sprig of the herb that matches the book illustration, then in your inventory, use the herb on the cup of hot water to create an herbal medicine
Return to the sick man's hut, give him the medicine and learn that he is the Wiseman
Talk to the Wiseman until he tells you all he knows

As Edgar:
Go right, talk to the sprite
Pick up some of the pebbles on the same screen
Walk left until you reach the statue
Examine the urn to see that it is filled with water
Use the pebbles on the urn, return to the sprite
Collect more pebbles, return to the statue and use them on the urn
Return to the sprite, collect a third handful of pebbles, return to the statue and use the pebbles on the urn.
Return to the sprite, let him know that the water is now within reach (he gives you "the key to the forest")
Head north from the center screen to reach the giant tree
Use the key on the tree's "door" (it opens, an alcove is revealed)
Examine the alcove -- notice that is darkened by a shadow
Exit the closeup, use Edgar's magic on the small branch to move it
Return to the alcove (a riddle now appears on the back of it)
The solutions to each riddle is solved by placing the colored stones in their corresponding indentations to create an illuminated representation of the current riddle's answer:
Riddle 1: A hare (red, orange, yellow)
Riddle 2: An acorn (red, green, purple)
Riddle 3: Water (yellow, blue, purple)
After the door fully opens, walk through it
In the large clearing, interact with the massive opening in the center
Talk to the Crystal Dragon once she appears
When the dragon mentions the object stuck under one of her scales, interact with her and click on the various scales in the closeup until the object is revealed (Edgar gets an odd trinket)
Talk to dragon again (she helps Edgar travel to Llewdor)
In Llewdor, continue inland (picking up the bucket near the pier on the way) then continuing up the path to the top of the mountain
Talk to the man outside Manannan's former house (he introduces himself as Derek)
Inside the house, use magic on the box, then place each colored piece so that it is across from the color which is its opposite (green-red, orange-blue, purple-yellow)
After Edgar gets another trinket from Derek and gets robbed, head left (the direction the second bandit came from)
Once Edgar has visited the large tree, head to the spot just right of the base of the mountain
Talk to the sad couple sitting there and learn that the man wants to know what it feels like to be afraid
Collect some cold water from the nearby stream with the bucket, then empty the bucket over the man After the couple tells Edgar about the bandits, return to the tree and look/interact with the top of the tree until something magical happens.
Once outside the bandits' house, look inside, then back away, use Edgar's pendant to return to the ground, then use it yet again to return to the top of the tree
Look in the window again and use Edgar's magic to retrieve his trinkets (plus an additional one)
Once back on the ground, follow the mysterious magic to the dark cave near where the couple was sitting and enter it (Edgar has a long conversation with the oracle inside)
Click on the pendant icon to take Edgar to the oasis
Once Edgar has reached the oasis, use his pendant on the lower ledge so he can eavesdrop on the conversation in the cave above him

Chapter 2:

As Cassima (part 1):
At the Isle of the Sacred Mountain, interact with the boulder in front of the hole on the right, then use Cassima's armlet (Cassima is distracted briefly by a homesick Hole-in-the-Wall)
Crawl into the hole and through the cave
Once outside, use Cassima's shawl on the raft-shaped piece of wood on the ground
After Cassima's brief boat ride ends, continue into the garden
Once Cassima sees the bird, stay in the shaded spots of the bushes to stay hidden, continuing left until she has reached the other side of the screen
When Cassima reaches the fallen tree, use the Hole-in-the-Wall to peek through it
Approach the Winged One and speak to him
Choose the correct herb from the garden (lobed leaves with dark stripes)
Use Cassima's armlet when Labrusca asks to see her in her true form
Once at the Isle of Wonder, put the Hole-in-the-Wall back on its wall (Cassima sees something of interest through it)
Try opening the gates
Pick a foxglove, a bluebell, and a sprig of silverweed
Try using Cassima's scarf on the tree reaching over the wall on the left side of the screen (the primrose makes her stop)
Use the foxglove on the primrose, then use the scarf again (Cassima enters Chessboard Land)
Move forward to the next castle, then throw the bluebells at the two pawns to disract them
Once Cassima can see the queens' thrones, keep interacting with the castle nearest to them until Cassima's pendant teleports her there
When Cassima has reached the wall of Chessboard Land, quickly interact with the scarf or the pawn to escape

As Edgar (part 1):
Talk to the man next to the shop (learn that his name is Gabbro)
Head to the pool to the north, break off a piece of the fallen palm frond
Return to Gabbro, use the palm frond on him (now he wants an animal)
If you haven't already, use Edgar's pendant to return to the Bountiful Woods and take the feather that is now at the base of the statue, then return to the oasis
Use the feather on Gabbro (now he wants a faery)
Enter Leticia's shop, pick up the knife on one of the shelves and use it on Edgar before he puts it back down (Edgar cuts off a lock of his hair)
Return to Gabbro, use the hair on him (he gives you a gold coin)
Return to Leticia, interact with the small ship on display to buy it
Leave shop and head north, talk with the occupant of the small cave until he's had enough of you (you get an odd pair of stirrups)
Use the ship on the ground on the same screen (Edgar has to find a way to secure himself to it)
Use the stirrups on the ship, then use it on the ground again (it works...sort of)
Head south, use the ship on the highest ledge to fly up to it
Use Edgar's magic on the cave to illuminate it (Edgar gets another strange trinket)

As Cassima (part 2):
Head south to Leticia's shop
Inside the shop, interact with the hatchet to buy it with the silverweed
Leave the shop, head north and use the hatchet on the hook-shaped branch on the fallen tree
Use the hook on Cassima's scarf to make a sort of grappling hook
Head south and use the grappling hook on the branch below the cave
Once Bluebeard has left Cassima, take the candle and head downstairs
Walk through the castle's halls until you reach the door with the golden handle
Light the candle on the nearby torch, then use the keys on the door
Return to Cassima's room and move the changing screen (a snake appears, begging for food)
Return downstairs, walk through the dark archway at the bottom of the stairs to Cassima's room (Cassima enters the cellar)
Use Cassima's dagger on the slab of meat, return to her room and throw the meat to the snake, who demands more
Return to the cellar, cut another piece of meat, return to Cassima's room and try feeding the snake again (she comes to her senses and reveals that she is actually a transformed human)
Give the mirror to the snake
Interact with the bed to get a rope and a change of clothes
Use the clothes either on Cassima or the changing screen
Use the rope either on the bed or the window to climb out
At the base of the tower, throw the griffin the leftover piece of meat
Show the keys to the griffin (Cassima unlocks its collar)
Interact with the griffin to mount it

As Edgar (part 2):
Use Edgar's magic on the vine, climb it to get to the top of the island, pick one of the large red leaves
Use the pendant to return to the bottom of the island, then continue using it to teleport to move between the islands until you reach the one with someone else on it (he demands that you produce a weapon)
Use Edgar's magic on the fallen sapling next to him (he transforms it into a quarterstaff and starts dueling with Acilino)
Jump to the right to avoid Acilino
Pull the rug out from under Acilino
Knock the fruit onto Acilino when he's standing under it
Use the leaf on Edgar's quarterstaff to create a flag
Stick the flag into the crack at the top of the ruins to signal for help (a man named Aubrey shows up and takes Edgar to another island)
Enter the library at the center of the island, look at the man standing next to the bookshelves, then leave (the man offers Edgar a job as his assistant)
Head north, enter the shop on the tiny island and talk to the physician (Edgar enters the storeroom)
Interact with the broom to sweep the floor
Interact with the large crack in the left wall to see what the physician is doing
Wait for Edgar's sight to return, leave through the door
Once Edgar is back in the storeroom, open the crate to get to work on the device inside
Put the device together, then examine the crack in the wall again
Wait for Edgar's hearing to return, leave through the door
Pick up the shears, use them on the tiny tree
Interact with the underside of the chest, use Edgar's magic on the object wedged underneath to see it more clearly
Wait for Edgar to regain use of his legs, examine the chest again, use his magic on the object to lift it out (Edgar gets another trinket, the physician calls Edgar out, pays him and sends him on his way
Walk to the far side of the island, talk to the old man (learn that Edgar's magic is gone)
Return to the center of the island, walk to the man sitting on the bench (it's Aubrey, who gives Edgar another trinket after talking to him)
Return to the far side of the island, use Edgar's ship on the island in the distance
Talk to the merchant until he shows you his animals, click on the one on the right (Edgar decides to buy it)
Head north, enter the maze, try navigating it
Use Scrimshaw on Edgar's surroundings -- he will show Edgar which way to go by sitting down at the correct exit
Follow Scrimshaw to the mysterious chamber at the center of the maze, take the object inside the column of light
Follow Scrimshaw out of the maze, use Edgar's ship on the island in the distance
Enter the cave, talk to the troll inside (learn that he's missing a chisel)
Find the chisel (it's stuck in the ceiling)
Push the crate that's near the far wall (Edgar moves the crate under the chisel)
Pick up the pliers, use them on the chisel
Give the chisel to Oppi (he gives you a trinket as thanks)
Leave the cave, continue along the path to the quarry, try using magic on the blockade
Quickly use magic on the blockade again once the cutscene ends, continue along the path
Talk to the small house (a small dragon attacks Edgar)
Pick up the hammer, use it on the house (notice that the dragon flies out of the chimney instead of the main exit)
Use Edgar's magic on the small boulder, move it to the chimney
Use the hammer on the house again (the dragon gets caught by Edgar, they make peace with each other)
Talk to Scrimshaw until he comes down from the nest with another trinket
Use Edgar's magic on the boulder to reopen the chimney, talk to the house (the dragon emerges with an idea for Edgar's next destination)

Chapter 3

As Cassima:
When Cassima arrives in Kolyma, her armlet immediately activates -- click on it to use it
In the sea, continue left until you reach King Neptune
Interact with the patch of sand at Neptune's feet to communicate with him (he creates the drawing of a shell in the sand)
Look at the drawing, then return to where Cassima entered the sea and pick up the blue shell on the right
Return to Neptune and continue left through the kelp
Show the shell to the mermaids and continue past them
In the cave, use Cassima's armlet, then use the shell in the niche above the statue
Talk to the statue

As Edgar:
After arriving on the mysterious island, pick one of the fruits on the bush the cat creature was looking at
Head up, then right, use the fruit on the black and white cat creature in the tree
Pick up the rope, head left until you reach the leftmost point of the island
Use the rope on the fallen tree
Interact with the fallen tree to move along it, then use Edgar's magic on the floating book (he automatically gives it to its owner)
Talk to the aardvark until your conversation gets interrupted (Edgar is escorted inside the large hollow tree)
Remove the cloth from the mirror
Walk through the tunnels, only walking through the ones that say positive phrases regarding Edgar
After Edgar arrives in Kolyma, walk right, cross the stream, then head left once you reach the cliffs

As Cassima, use her armlet
Once Cassima reaches the top of the cliffs, interact with the pine tree on the left to dislodge a seed
Plant the seed in the soil near the edge of the cliff, then use Cassima's scarf on the tree that appears
Once Edgar leaves, exit the cave and examine the large rock with the hole in it
Use Cassima's armlet, then interact with the hole
As Edgar, head back to the cliffs and use Scrimshaw on the blob of sap in the dead tree on the right
Pick up the rock chip on ground at the left side of the screen, then use it on the dripping sap
Head back to Cassima, use the sap on her, then use Edgar's magic on her

Chapter 4:

As Cassima:
Talk to the sorcerer to learn what he wants
Pick up the owl call at the base of the sorcerer's treehouse
Head left, try taking the herbs under the large bat
Use Cassima's dagger on the owl call to enlarge the hole, then use the owl call on the bat
Pick the herbs, return to the sorcerer and give them to him
Once inside the treehouse, talk to the sorcerer
Use Cassima's pendant on her to contact Edgar

As Edgar:
Head up the hill on the left, then use Edgar's ship on the castle
Fly up the castle until Edgar finds a window he can fly through
Head downstairs, then through the wooden door on the right
Pick up the trinket in the statue's hands, go back down the stairs, then go up the stairs to the north until you reach the room with a familiar person in it
Continue up the stairs to the left and examine the window to see another familiar person outside
Head back downstairs and open the door that leads to the room where the drawbridge mechanism is Pull the lever on the right
Head downstairs to meet Aubrey again
As Edgar, use any of the trinkets on Edgar or Cassima
Piece the trinkets together until they form a complete circle
As Cassima, click on the only five adjacent trinkets where the first letter of the month linked with each spells out a name: July, August, September, October, November.
Talk to the sorcerer again to solve his riddle

Chapter 5:

As Edgar, talk to Cassima
As Edgar (again), use his magic on Shadrack
As Cassima, interact with Edgar
Enjoy the outro!

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