My Profile Picture: What's Up With THAT?

I have received a few questions regarding my profile picture on the Subspace Channel (where I announce the posting of my comics), and since it takes a long time to answer these questions, I have created this page in hopes that I won't have to again.

Firstly, here is my profile image that I use at the Subspace Channel:

Secondly, the question that is most frequently asked is, "I noticed that the picture of Xandra you are using has brown hair. I thought she was blond. Why is this?"

Thirdly, I must state here and now that the cheetah in my profile is NOT Xandra.

Fourthly, I will explain that that cheetah is basically a character that I have adopted to represent myself, having a couple of features in common with my own physical appearance. Her first manifestation was in an altered image of Rosella (as a troll) in King's Quest 7, which is posted below:

Fifthly, here are a few other pictures which have featured her:

A tag used at the Rivenguild boards (a Myst-Riven community, now long gone, sadly)

Old tag from the official Sierra boards. Etheria, WSSQID and ZBS, all in one!

An unfinished drawing that I was going to paste on the Logic Cliffs from KQ6 (the epitome of inverted preference, for me). Gad, this thing's ugly.

Sixthly, here is a list to state the several differences in appearance that separate her from Xandra:

-The hair is much less bushy, several feet shorter, and (obviously) brown.
-The inside of the ears is much darker than Xandra's (the inside of Xandra's ears is the same color as her eyes).
-The eyes have WHITE whites (instead of Xandra's, which are yellowish), and the irises are blue (whereas Xandra's are light brown).
-The fur around the eyes is the same as the rest of the face, a golden yellow. The fur around Xandra's eyes is white.
-The cheeks and chin don't have that wild, spiky look that Xandra's cheeks have.
-The fingers (I know, I know, you can't see them in the icon, but might as well be complete) aren't white, like Xandra's. They are the same color as the body.

Seventhly, I trust that this is probably more than enough information to answer whatever questions you might have about my profile picture.

Eighthly, I hope I haven't sounded too snooty in explaining all of this to you.

Ninthly, here is a full body version of my profile picture that I use at the official Sierra boards:

And Tenthly, here is a link back to the main page. Thanks for stopping by.

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